What *IS*
Calendar of Events
Links to Other Homeschool
Please email us for further information on any activities listed, or with any questions about our support group or homeschooling in general. 
Stuff Done By
Our Kids
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What Our Group
(classes, activities, etc.)

Book Reviews

Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World

Public Library Resources

Special Needs Kids


Upcoming Events

This is our TENTATIVE schedule of events for the fall semester 2005.
Please check back as each event date nears to confirm that there has not been a change in plans. All events are subject to change in date, time, location, or cancellation.

August 26, 2005...Noon-2PM
Annual "Kick-Off-the-New-Year" Skate Day at Rollerland in New Bern. More details to follow as soon as they are finalized. Cost $1 per skater, max. $5 per family.

September 12, 2005
New Homeschoolers Meeting
Arrival time 6:30 PM, meeting begins at 7PM

This meeting will focus on helping new homeschoolers get started with the new year, helping new-to-the-area homeschoolers become better acquainted with our local resources, and give new members/homeschoolers a chance to meet other local homeschoolers. Please email for exact location and to reserve your space. 

School Pictures------Sept. or Oct.
Date and location to be announced.

October, 2005
Mom's Night Out
Exact date, time, and location to be announced closer to October. Please email for exact location and to reserve your space. Response/reservations will determine location.

November & December, 2005

There are no activities planned for these months at this point in time. If someone would like to plan an activity, please feel free to contact a member of the steering committee with information concerning what you would like to offer.

January 24, 2006
7 PM, Baker's Square Restaurant
*Please note change of date and location*

Regular business meeting for planning the spring semester activies, and we will discuss the topic of "standardized testing". 

February-March, 2006
Science Fair
Details to be announced at a later date.

March, 2006
Achievement Testing
Details to be announced at a later date.

For location, directions, or other information about any of the above events, please email us.

